Amerex Corporation is Recertified as an OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs Star Site

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) recognize and promote effective worksite-based safety and health management systems. In the VPP program, stakeholders and OSHA work to establish cooperative relationships. Admission into the VPP program signifies OSHA's official recognition of the outstanding efforts of the applicant who has created exemplary worksite safety and health management systems.
Recently, Amerex passed its VPP Star Site recertification audit with flying colors! An OSHA team was onsite for three days to conduct the evaluation, including document reviews, physical inspections and team member interviews. While onsite, the inspection team was extremely complimentary of Amerex and its engaged team.
According to Amerex Health and Safety Supervisor Tim Pitts, “The Amerex team members really stepped up, along with our management team, and pulled together to prepare for the audit. McWane Corporate Safety leaders Brendon LaPort, Mickey Hannum, Carlos Robinson and Jared Smith also worked onsite with our teams in the weeks leading up to the recertification, including performing a mock audit that was critical in helping to identify any outstanding issues that required buttoning up.”
The Amerex team is focused on executing the principles of a VPP Star Site every day, and although preparation for the recertification required the efforts of numerous resources, Amerex attributes this accomplishment to exceptional teamwork across the McWane family of companies. Teamwork and sharing of best practices are more impactful the broader the reach, encouraging excellence across the enterprise.
Amerex team members are proud to demonstrate the core principles of Teamwork and Excellence and remain committed to doing the right thing, no matter what.
Well done, Amerex! Keep up the great work.