Kennedy Valve Joins Friends of the Chemung River Watershed during Earth Week
Eleven team members from Kennedy Valve joined the Friends of the Chemung River Watershed on April 25 to clean up litter along the Lackawanna Rail Trail. The trail runs along Newton Creek and offers a splendid walking and bicycling experience. The volunteers had a very successful morning cleaning up the trail.
This event takes places every year and Kennedy Valve has been eager to assist in this effort. We all know the importance of not littering, but did you know that $11.5 billion is spent every year to clean up litter. In fact, in 75% of people in a poll admitted that they had littered in the past 5 years. Littering is a habit and prevention starts with us. A clean community can discourage litter and improve community appearance and quality of life.
Let’s all do our part and help stop littering!