Tyler Union in Anniston, Ala., recently held its first annual health fair. Flu shots, cholesterol and blood sugar screening, as well as blood pressure checks were available to the 260 team members that attended the event. Information was also made available to team members on many health related issues as well as food and nutrition facts.
The Calhoun County Extension Service gave a presentation and furnished handouts on healthy eating habits to team members and the Anniston Fire Department brought out a fire truck and provided fire prevention information.
For lunch the team enjoyed hotdogs, baked chips, apples and water. But the highlight of the event was the drunken bean bag toss. Team members donned a pair of drunk goggles, which gives the wearer the feeling of being under the influence of alcohol. Then, while wearing the goggles, the team members played a bean bag toss game which demonstrated the effects of alcohol on the body. Winners of the bean bag toss were awarded prizes like a get out of jail free card for "tossing under the influence."
Everyone had a great time while learning ways to live happy and healthy lives.