Tyler Union teams up with Calhoun County to sponsor Earth Day event

05/08/2023 Tyler Union
Tyler Union teams up with Calhoun County to sponsor Earth Day event

Tyler Union partnered with the Calhoun County Extension Office to sponsor and volunteer at their Annual Earth Day Event. Through this partnership, 22 Tyler Union employees volunteered their weekend to spend time with over 600 fourth graders. The weekend was full of lots of sunshine and learning with programming surrounding recycling, keeping safe in water activities, learning about wildlife and much more.

Thank you to everyone at Tyler Union who volunteered — Karren Renea McGathy, Steven Blasko, Dylan McKee, Greg Reyes, Ricky Vise, Mary Reid Prince, Sara Tongsuvone, Valerie Carter, Barry Weaver, Lynn Moore, Payton Grimes, Kathy Bates, Michelle Swann, Mark Vess, Jason Turner, Edward Roberts, Jason Askew, Jessica Duggan, Angie Robertson, Dewayne Bean, Jackie Harder and Georgia Vinson.
